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larger photo of each historic building.

North Main (Historic Mansion House Inn)
This 2½ story Queen Anne Style motel was
once Dr. Lott’s home, one of the first physicians to settle in Buffalo. Dr. Lott came
to Buffalo in 1879 as a physician at Fort McKinney. When he married, he had this house
built in 1906 for his bride, Ella. Seven years later Lott died, leaving Ella with little
but the spacious and stylish house. She made a living boarding teachers and bachelors, and
was known for her home cooked food. The tradition continues today as the Mansion House
continues to take in travelers. |

71 - 77 North Main
These two brick buildings were built in the
1880s, and conjoin at an angle uneven to Main Street. Charles Burritt, a successful lawyer
and Buffalo’s second mayor, erected the building that now houses Visionary
Communications. Originally, the upstairs were apartments and an early bank, possibly the
First National of Buffalo. |

North Main
This building was the Myers Hotel in 1880.
Remodeling nearly caused the structure to collapse. The building has served as a clothing
store and home to the Buffalo Bulletin, our local newspaper, for many years. |

North Main
On the National Historic Register, this
building of coarse red brick with a tan brick façade was build in 1917. Home to
Buffalo’s first modern movie theatre until 1984, it’s distinctive façade and
architectural window treatment make it stand out from Buffalo’s other historic
buildings. |

North Main (Margo's Pottery)
Built in 1909, this building with its cast
iron façade, was originally known as the Theatorium and served as the town’s first
motion picture theater. Later and for many many years, it was the Buffalo Bar where,
traditionally, the cattlemen from the area drank (the sheepherders frequented the other
side of the street). |

51 South Main
(Hitching Post Gallery)
This building has had a number of uses since
it was first built in 1897. From 1897 to 1933 it housed the local butcher shop, from 1933
to 1944 it was a grocery store. In 1944 it became the home for Bud’s Barber Shop. In
1970 City Electric moved in here, and in 1974, Fritz Purcell opened Purcell’s Jewelry
Store. Purcell sold the business in 1980 to Kraft Jewelers. They remained until 1988 when
the gallery, owned by local artists Hugh and Will Jennings, opened here. |

96 - 100
South Main Street
Built sometime during the 1910 era by Charles
Baker, the Johnson County Bank was located here. Early on this building served as a
millenary shop! Later the building became John Erhart’s Fruit and Candy Store. |

90 - 94 South
(Southside Grill)
On the National Register of Historic Places.
A jeweler, F. A. Shaver, built this sandstone building with decorative ironwork on the top
edge of its façade in 1892. Known then as the Shaver Block (all large buildings then were
called blocks), Shaver’s own jewelry store was located in the north side of the
building for many years. The south side was first inhabited by Mrs. Helen Walker’s
millinery, and later this was the first home of Buffalo Federal Savings and Loan.
The safe is still here and in good working condition. |

84 - 89 South
On the National Historic Register, this
unique all second story cast-iron façade was constructed in 1895. It was typical of the
time to bring in pre-manufactured building facades to dress up local buildings constructed
with native brick. This is the only surviving building in Buffalo with such extensive
cast-iron façade work. The "seven" shaped sign was attached to the building
during the filming of the movie, "Endangered Species" in 1981 to serve as a sign
for the fictitious local newspaper, "Buffalo Citizen’s Journal". So far it
has not been removed. |

76 South Main
This "building" was erected in 1904
to house T. G. Gatchell’s pharmacy. Like many old West towns, the architect used the
walls of the adjoining buildings for his side walls. Gatchell’s Drug Store was
open for business here until 1987. Jim Gatchell, famous far and wide for his
pharmaceutical skills as much as for his ever growing collection of Military and Indian
artifacts, operated the store and often traded medicine for artifacts. Gatchell’s
collection later became the core for the Johnson County Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum, and
he its proud founding patron. There is still a piece of a mural of Buffalo in there
from the early part of the century. |

54 - 70 South
(The Sports Lure and Sports Lure Too)
Repeatedly built and rebuilt out of locally
kilned brick from 1804-1901, this site was the home of the Capitol Hotel – considered
the finest inn this side of Cheyenne. The hotel and Saloon were open 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. Notice the high ceilings in all of these stores and particularly the
recently restored original tin ceiling in Sports Lure Too - along with its
beautiful and distinctive raised plaster molding. The New York Store, long a favorite
mainstay of Buffalo, was established on this location in 1898 and did business continually
until 1901 to June 1987. This site is now on the National Register of Historic Buildings. |

28 - 30 South
As early as 1891, Munkres and Mathers
operated a general merchandise store on this site. Then, in 1903 the present native brick
building was constructed for the Buffalo Hardware Store. |

22 South Main
Built in 1887, this building housed the
Hasbrouck Haberdashery business. Later, Kube and Kennedy, a men’s clothing store was
located here during the early 1900s. Also of import, this was the location of
Buffalo’s first library and the second floor was used as an opera house. |

10 - 12 South
(formerly Idlewild Café)
A National Historic Building, Charlie King
erected this building in 1919, and it was known then as the King Hotel. The hotel served
Chinese and American food in the café on the first floor and was the only three story
commercial building in Buffalo. It later became the Idlewild Café. It is now in the process of renovation. |

4 South Main
(4th On Main Restaurant)
This red sandstone building was built in 1898
for Mrs. Julia Jensen’s "Fancy Goods and Novelties" store. In 1907 the
First National Bank of Buffalo moved into the building until the 1912 flood, when Clear
Creek rose ten feet above Main Street’s sidewalk. Later the building was home to the
21 Club Bar, and even later a Mexican restaurant. |

10 - 30 North
Main (Museum of the Occidental Hotel, Gift shop, and "The Virginian" Restaurant
& Busy Bee Restaurant)
The original hotel on this site was a log
structure built in 1880 that was erected by Charles Buell. In later years, through three
different major building additions in 1903, 1908 (The Occidental Saloon) and 1910 (The
Main Lobby and museum entrance), this brick structure grew to encompass a whole downtown
block. The Occidental was home to weary travelers and at one time or another offered a
bar, a restaurant and a barbershop. The Occidental advertised that Owen Wister’s
famous cowboy icon, The Virginian, "got his man here". Now listed on
the National Register of Historic Places, the Occidental is a museum open to the public. |

76 North Main
(Johnson County Courthouse)
The oldest building in the
commercial district, this two story Neo-Classical stlye building was constructed in 1884,
the year Buffalo was chartered. In early days a wooden white cupola was perched a top this
building. This building is also listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings. |

90 North Main
(Jim Gatchell Museum – Carnegie Wing)
Formerly the Johnson County Andrew Carnegie
Library, is now an annex to the Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum of the West. Constructed in
1909 the library is made of native stone, cut by hand and hauled to this site. |

158 North
Main (Hersey Apartments)
This building, dating back to 1909, was known
then as the Armory as it was used for militia drills. Later it was a roller skating rink
and a center for public events – until it was remodeled for apartments. |

203 North
Main (Salon 202 Beauty Shop)
This Victorian brick house was built by one
of the first sheriff’s of Buffalo, Richard (Dick) Kennedy. |

294 North
Main (Buffalo Realty, LLC)
This cottage was built by Charles H. Burritt,
Buffalo’s second mayor, during 1884-85 as a log cabin. |

312 North
Main (William Holland Home)
The Holland House was built in 1883 after
Mrs. Juliet W. Hart, owner of Buffalo’s town site, offered William H. Holland an acre
of land if he would build a two story brick house costing more than $3,000. The bricks and
lumber in the house are all native. The three large cottonwoods in the yard were brought
from the banks of the Powder River by Holland. Descendants of William H. Holland still
reside in the home. |
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